Monday, July 14, 2008

Homecoming pics

I don't really have too many because my neighbor took them for us. I will have to post those when she gives them to me. Here's what I have for now!

So for the story- Derrick had a pretty hard time getting a flight out of Djibouti. They finally had one scheduled and it kept getting pushed back days and days! Finally he was going to come in on Saturday morning but he called and woke me up Friday morning and said, "Suprise.. I'm getting on a plane in a few minutes and I'll be home in a couple hours!" I was so NOT prepared so I was freaking out a bit but soo excited! We raced around trying to clean up the house, make food for the single sailors, and make ourselves pretty! We got there with time to spare so it worked out well! The whole command was there since it was a work day and I had lots of company. We saw the plane land and stood by the hanger waiting for D to pull up. Valerie had a big sign (as seen in the video) that she painted herself and it was overall a very nice homecoming.

Derrick is settling in and doing well. He is working a bit this week and next and then will start his four weeks of leave time! Hooray!!! The girls won't leave the poor guy alone but I can't say *I* mind. I actually sat by the pool on Saturday and relaxed while Ellie slept and Val played with Daddy in the water! What a perfect day!!!

Waiting in the airplane hanger. Val insisted on holding onto the stroller.. which obviously ticked El off.
So Ellie tries to pry her hand off and Val starts whining.

Ellie has started making the 'scrunchy' face. I have several photos of Val making this exact face at 15 months!
filthy from the hanger. home with daddy.. but daddy was giving attention to e-nor so she was a little sad. is it me or does she look like she's 8 years old in this picture? Valerina happy again
some decor. I had a sign on the front door also with streamers and a few signs on the dining room wall. That's all we had time to do!
Giving Daddy his present- She painted a wooden frame and then I put a pic of the 3 of us in it that we did in the US.
He brought home a couple pretty cool carved masks among other things


Anonymous said...

So exciting!!!
Welcome Home - D!
Your star garland is so stinkin' cute. Did you do that yourself?
And Yes, Valerina looks at least 8 in that photo!?!

"Nice Ride, Ellie," winks Isaac.

Anonymous said...

Ah, sisters fighting over Daddy!!! Ya gotta love it, lol!!!!

I love the expression on Val's face as Derrick opens the gift. Precious.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Mom Deb

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Derrick~ I can't tell you how nice it is to see pictures of you with the girls again. I'm elated to have you there again taking care of my best buddy :) And the mask is AWESOME! Brian is in LOVE with those masks. We always check them out at World Market. I'd rather have a mask than a rug anyday. We love you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome Home Derrick!!!

So glad everyone is all together again!! Yes, Val is looking too cute in the picture.....Watch out when she is older for sure!! LOL

Kiss the kids for me.....Hugs to you all!! :-)