Monday, February 9, 2009


It's Monday and my house is CLEAN! I love the beginning of the week because I always start full of ambition, cleaning my house, ready for the week ahead. By Friday the floors are dirty, I have zero desire to cook/clean, and I'm ready for D to come home and take over. lol :)

I haven't posted too many pictures recently because 1) my portrait lens bit the dust and I'm just waiting until we move to have it fixed since I'd have to mail it to the US and 2) I realized recently that I somehow didn't get my battery charger for my camera battery into the bag and it's missing/packed out. LOVELY. (and I have yet to find a place that sells that stuff here) so I save my precious battery power.
This weekend we took advantage of Derrick finally being off the on-call duty and drove out to Agrigento. Agrigento is a very small, very poor town about 2 hours west of here. There isn't much to see in the town itself, however; the Valley of the Temples is right next to it. These are ancient Greek ruins and it's just amazing to see the history on this small island (especially coming from the US whose history is relatively short in comparison!) I went to Agrigento with my parents about two years ago, just after Ellie was born, but Derrick hadn't been yet and we thought it'd be good to go now that we have two tots and don't need a stroller!

At this time of year the almond blossoms are blooming and the smell was so strong! It was beautiful for about the first 30 minutes we were there. Then the wind came in full force and the temperature dropped what felt like 15-20 degrees. We ran to the car for our coats and hurridly had to race through the rest to get the girls back to the warm car. Oh well. It was a nice day out and away from base!


Melissa Ann Rodgers said...

Beautiful pictures!

Andrea Clayton said...

Those are really pretty. Someone in one of my other stamp groups was talking about going for the almond blossoms. I had no idea it was such a big deal.

Jennifer Aitchison said...

Those photos are so very beautiful Lindsay! Oh my gosh!!!!!

I lost my camera battery when we moved into this place too. grrrrr :(
Hope you are feeling well. :)
Love Jen

Jim said...

I loved going to Agrigento during the almond blossom season! It makes for some great photos. Glad you made the trip before you leave beautiful Sicily.

Deb Coe said...

Just beautiful - more beautiful than I remember it.


Hope you are feeling better!!!!
